She woke up in a strange place, not knowing how or when she came here, all her memory about her past was blurry, she couldn’t even remember her name, few minutes past all she was trying to remember was her name ,she kept repeating the same words again and again to herself “ come one, what do I call you ? What is your name? What is our name?” Few minutes more past felt like eternity to her inside what felt like a dreamy forest, then suddenly she heard it like a whisper “Rojda, Rojda..” ,“Rojda?” She asked “ is my name Rojda?” She repeated then she shouted “ I am Rojda, I remember my name, my name is Rojda” and happily like a five years old who just got the candy of his dreams she jumped all arround the place repeating her name again and again as if she was trying to make up to herself for the time she forgot her name in.
Rojda started walking arround the place, tall magical trees with huge green glowy leafs, beautiful sounds of birds she could not see but heard all over the place. The wind was carrying the most beautiful sent she ever smelled in her life, the life she could not remember, for hours she walked, discovered this forest, this strangly beautiful forest. She stopped for a moment and said: “thats it, I died and went to heaven right?” she stood quiet for a moment, waiting for a reply for someone or something, at this point she even expected the tree to talk to her, but then she realised: “ I can’t be in heaven all alone, this must be a dream” . She started pinching her arms slapping her face pulling her golden curly hair, but nothing seemed to wake her up .
All of a sudden she felt thirsty, “I need water” she said and started looking for a source of water, she saw a high tree and thought to herself “ okay Rojda, whats the worst that can happen? Fall and die then fine you don’t remember anything anyways.” And started to climd the tree . And up there on that tree she was amazed. What she saw was beyond imagination, and certainly beyond the capacity of the human mind to believe. There was a river, sparkling like moonlight, as clear as the summer sky. She memorized the way to the river in her memory and ran towards it without thinking, and as soon as she reached, she put her whole face into its water and drank, then drank, then drank until she almost choked. And after catching her breath, she noticed her reflection in the water. She examined her face as though seeing it for the first time, her brown eyes shining with the sunlight in the river, her lips pink as sweet cherries, and her curly golden hair, which was now wet. She pulled her hair to one side, letting drops of water fall on her soft chest.
She lay on the soft grass, trying to comprehend what was happening. She didn't notice the shadow that had been watching her for a while, not far from her there was him, contemplating her wet hair and delicate body. He moved towards her and she did not care when she heard the sound of his movement, thinking that it was the voice of one of the animals in the forest, "Who are you? And how did you come here?" he asked. She screamed and jumped from her place with fear that turned into shock after she saw him.He was tall and broad-shouldered, his hair was as black as the darkness of the night, and his eyes were as blue as the sky. She did not see the rest of his masked face. He was wearing a brown jacket with black long boots covering most of his black pants, He was carrying a quiver of arrows on his back and a bow in his right hand.
“My name is Rojda” she said “who are you?” She asked. “It depends on you, I can be your beautiful dream as I can be also your worst nightmare”
He walked away and she stayed there in shock from his existance and his words, then he stopped and turned towards her “ I am Malik” he said “ follow me” and so she did . Not knowing where or who she just followed him into the deep mysterious forest.
For more magic and more travels for kids to lift up their imagination and to give them more taste of the beauty of words for elderly to feel young and for youngesters to feel more alife and excited .
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